How Do We Define Success At Work?

Success can be defined and interpreted and even scored in many different ways. Most commonly we categorize success to be the accomplishment of aim or purpose. Or, in many cases, the attainment of popularity and profit – prosperity.
Our success at home may be a healthy and happy family, a roof over our heads, and a car in the driveway. All of these ideas and definitions are individual to us – personal – however, we often don’t take the time to really think about what true accomplishment and satisfaction at home or in the workplace really means or looks like for us. So, what is success at work, anyway?

Does it mean:

  • Performing well
  • Meeting goals
  • Making lots of money

Or, does it mean:

  • Daily satisfaction
  • Making a difference in the world
  • Implementing new ideas

“Try not to become a person of success, but rather try to become a person of value.”

– Albert Einstein

With our society’s basic idea of success being the fastest one up the corporate ladder, we may or may not feel accomplished at work. But all that aside, we all know that true, heart-felt success is felt intrinsically – it relies on no outside motivators or comparisons. It simply feels good to us. We become our own heroes.

To become a hero is not a magic process reserved for the few, but something that is open to all of us if we strive to make the best of our circumstances.

And, how we measure that heroism is what really matters.

  • What are we most proud of that we’ve accomplished or mastered as a result of our work circumstances?
    • Paid off our student loan
    • Taught ourselves how to code
    • Began freelancing on the side or full-time

And then, defining new levels as we go creates even greater satisfaction and enjoyment in our lives and at work.

  • What are some ways we can improve upon our circumstances or simply better ourselves at work?
    • Researching new ideas and begin implementing them
    • Mentoring a newer, younger employee and watch them grown and improve
    • Practice work-life balance by attending extra-curricular activities outside of work or even with colleagues while not on the clock

Thus, the answer to the question, “What defines success at work?” is really up to us.

How do we want to see ourselves now and in the future? We decide and we define.

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